
Numerous young wild goats ( Capra aegagrus aegragus ) were reported to suffer from a contagious and fatal disease in a wildlife protection area in Antalya, Turkey, in January, 2017. Because of the large and partly inaccessible mountain area, total number of the dead goats were not known. However, approximately 15 goats were estimated to die from the disease; two of them were submitted for necropsy. At gross examination, lesions mainly localized on lips and numerous proliferative papules and pustules, necrotic scabs and swelling, as well as edema, hyperemia and ulcers, were observed at the commissure of the lips. Necropsy of both goats was performed and tissue samples were examined histopathologically and electron microscopically for the presence of viral agents. Histopathological examination revealed necrotic and proliferative cheilitis and dermatitis with eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies in keratinocytes. Electron microscopy revealed typical parapoxvirus particles. According to gross, histopathological and ultrastructural findings the disease was diagnosed as contagious ecthyma.

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