
Among urological diseases, the most relevant is infection of the urinary tract. Pyelonephritis is on the 5th place in kidney diseases, and obstructive pyelonephritis occurs in 84% of all pyelonephritis. In the world, among the adult population, 100 people per 100,000 of the population suffer from pyelonephritis. In addition, from year to year, there is an increase in purulent forms of acute pyelonephritis by 4–5 times. This pathology is a separated manifestation of such an important urological problem as complicated urinary tract infection, which accounts for 84–86% of all infections. In acute obstructive pyelonephritis, more severe complications such as bacteriotoxic shock and urosepsis may develop. The mortality rate from these dangerous complications reaches 70–90%. In addition, the number of patients with urosepsis and bacteriotoxic shock has increased 4–6 times in recent years. The review presents current literature data on acute obstructive pyelonephritis. The main causes and pathogenetic mechanisms of the disease development are presented.

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