
Nowadays people widely used mobile phone instead of using landlines phones. This paper proposes to compare the path loss in 850 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands by various path loss models. The path loss under terms of the transmitter height and the receiver height. The well known path loss model such as Walfisch-Ikegami (WI), SUI and Ericsson model used to simulate path loss by MATLAB. The results shown that when the longest distance WI model has the most path loss at the receiving antenna height is 1 and 5 meters. The path loss in the frequency bands 1800 MHz is greater than the path loss in the frequency bands 850 MHz under the same conditions. The path loss can be use to determine where to install the mobile base station with high quality. That means at the same distance if using the frequency band 1800 MHz for mobile network in the same technology will require to install the mobiles base station more than using frequency band 800 MHz.

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