
Analysis of allelic frequencies, heterozygosity and power of exclusion of commonly used SLP and STR markers in the Brazilian Caucasoid population was performed based on 6000 paternity testings. The SLPs (RFLPs) used were G3; YNH24, MS205, MS43 and MS31 and the STRs were TH01, VWA31, FES, F13A, CD4, FGA, D1S1656, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S639, D8S1179, D12S391, D13S317, D18S51 and D21S11. The allele frequencies of the STRs are in the range of published Caucasian Portuguese population frequencies and in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. The SLPs are in the same range as other Caucasian frequencies as well as their heterozygosity and power of exclusion. The power of exclusion of the 5 SLPs and 10 of the STRs was the same (99.99%). The STR with the highest power of exclusion (81%) and heterozygosity (89%) in the studied population was D12S391. We also present results from 197 fatherless cases analyzed according to the number of family members tested. The exclusion rate was 21.25%. Analysis with different family compositions will be presented. In 29 cases in which the alleged father was exhumed, we obtained a success rate of 83%. The exclusion rate of the successful cases was 25%. Furthermore, the exclusion rate of regular cases in court was 24%, lower than the exclusion rate in private requests of 32%.

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