
Honey bee queens have been shown to mate with a high number of males, but the evolutionary advantage of this high degree of polyandry is still unclear. Mating data from a number of different Apis species and subspecies are needed to help explain polyandry in honey bees. Pupae of four colonies of Apis mellifera sicula from Sicily were genotyped on three polymorphic microsatellite loci. The genotypes of the queens and fathering drones from these colonies were deduced from the genotypes of the pupae. We found no evidence for polygyny, at least we can exclude more than one functional queen, even super-sister queens, if maternity contributions are equal. The four queens mated with at least 5 to 12 (mean: 9.3 ± 3.0 SE) drones. We estimate the error in our determination of the mating frequency that is caused by limited genetic resolution of the marker loci to be less than 1 mating given that Hardy-Weinberg assumptions are satisfied. However, the drones the single queens mated with may be a non-random sample of the whole population, so that detection error may be more severe. The average pedigree relatedness among workers within the colonies was estimated to be 0.341. These results are within the range of those found in other A. mellifera subspecies and Apis species except A. dorsata. We speculate that mating frequency may be positively correlated with drone density.

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