
Potash is one of the most common and important chemical substances, widely used in various branches of the scientific and industrial sectors. During the production and receipt of potash, undesirable impurities are formed: alkaline (Na, K, Li), alkaline earth (Ca, Ba) elements, etc. It is proposed to identify such impurities using atomic emission spectroscopy. This article discusses atomic emission spectroscopy as a method based on the analysis of optical line emission spectra of atoms in the gas phase. This is one of the new and promising areas of qualitative and quantitative analysis. One type of atomic emission spectroscopy is flame photometry. This method is used to determine alkali (Na, K, Li), alkaline earth (Ca, Ba) and some other elements by atomic spectra or molecular bands. In order to study it, an analysis of patent activity was carried out up to 1960 on the website of the Patent Office of the Russian Federation. Based on the research data, a summary table was made and a graph was constructed for studying this method and obtaining potash, which shows an increase in interest on the part of researchers. A search of patents from 1960 to the present shows that interest in the study of atomic emission spectroscopy as a method of elemental analysis is growing, as well as interest in the chemical processes for producing potash. Conducted research proves that potash is a sought-after product due to its sustainable consumption and stable demand in the market.

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