
Environmental, geopolitical, and financial-and-economic conditions significantly affect agriculture, in particular, livestock producing. The livestock industry’s reequipment requires modern and innovative methods introducing. Patent activity on dairy farming for 20 years in the Russian Federation and in IP5 has been analyzed. A comparative patent analysis among Russian Federation’s residents and nonresidents, as well as on patentable objects was applied. Patent activity increased in 3-4 times in the all of countries except Russia and China. Moreover, when we talk about China, their activity has increased in 185 times, while the Russian Federation had the opposite situation, as to patent activity decreasing. Russia's activity is in 18,4 times lower than in Japan, in 79 times lower than in China, in 23 times lower than in the United States, in 41 times lower than in Europe and in 29 times lower than in Korea. A visual comparison of residents and nonresidents’ software patent activity in the Russian Federation is carried out. There was an interest of nonresidents in the industry under consideration since 2004. There 36% livestock receiving patents to nonresidents were issued in 2019. The most demanded technologies in Russian Federation’s dairy farming, both among residents and nonresidents are: storage and processing of milk, microclimate, control of the animal physiological state. A scheme for comprehensive intellectual property’s protection application by the "Mobile milking apparatus" example using is presented. The main technologies that are the most patented in dairy farming and these patents life on the Russian Federation territory have been identified.

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