
Introduction. Objects of Intellectual property bring significant finan­cial benefits to their owners through the sale of rights to this type of property and the conclusion of licencing contracts. At the same time, they play a big role in sustainable development of economy of regions as well. Creation of an active market of objects of intellectual property will allow the regions to reach a new level of development, character­ised by the emergence of IP-intensive industries that allow ensuring not only the growth of GRP, but also the level and quality of life of residents. However, this will require regional authorities to build an ef­fective intellectual property management system. Assessment of the region's achievements in the development of the regional intellectu­al property market will allow both identifying leaders and analysing their experience, and forming recommendations for outsider regions. To form such rating, it is proposed to calculate the index of patent activity of regions. Methods. The choice of the method for calculating the index is based on analytical studies of the methodologies for com­piling ratings of regions based on aggregate indices. Induction method was used for selection of indicators. The systematic method allowed determining the influence of intellectual property on the obtained so­cio-economic effects. Results and Discussion. Based on the assess­ment of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of the indicators characterising their patent activity, indicators were formed that served as the basis for calculating the index, upon which the rating of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be built. The key tasks are to assess the conditions created in the region, which contribute to the growth of the number of companies with a high share of intangible assets, including in sectors of strategic importance for the development of the region. Conclusion. A system for assessing the patent activity of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is proposed, on the basis of the results of which it is possible to formulate decisions on state regulation and the implementation of measures to support the creation and introduction into economic circulation of the results of intellectual activity.

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