
The medical records of cats receiving surgical treatment for unilateral patellar ligament rupture between 1999 and 2012 at 12 referral centres in the UK and Ireland were reviewed. Seven cases were identified: six were caused by trauma and one was iatrogenic, occurring as a complication following surgical stabilisation of a tibial fracture. All cases were treated by sutured anastomosis of the ruptured ligament, with six of the repairs protected by a circumpatellar and/or transpatellar loop of suture. The stifle was immobilised by transarticular external skeletal fixation in three cases. No cases required revision surgery. No complications were reported. Final evaluation, performed at a median time of 31 days, determined five patients to have returned to acceptable or good limb function; two cases were lost to follow-up. The data suggest that, in cats, the current surgical techniques extrapolated from their canine counterparts for repair of a completely or partially ruptured patellar ligament are successfully used and result in acceptable limb function.

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