
In the almost four decades since its inception, the patch clamp technique has transitioned from a specialist skill to a method commonly used among many others in a lab. Development of patch clamp instrumentation has not been steady: A boost of product releases in rapid succession by multiple manufacturers in the 1990s had slowed to a trickle by the mid-2000s. In 2016, Sutter Instrument's entry into the market of turnkey patch clamp amplifier systems, defined as an amplifier with matching data acquisition hardware and software, caused a fresh breeze in a field in danger of going stale. Sutter has meanwhile completed the product line, culminating in the flagship dPatch® Ultra-fast, Low-noise Digital Amplifier. The dPatch System constitutes a contemporary, digital design that features many firsts, including digital signalcompensation, an extremely high bandwidth and fully integrated dynamic clamp capability, paired with the increasingly popular SutterPatch® Software.This chapter compares feature sets of the new Sutter instrumentation with the established platforms by the other two providers of turnkey systems, Axon Instruments by Molecular Devices and HEKA Elektronik by Harvard Bioscience. A variety of products from other manufacturers, who rely on combination with components from other sources rather than offering turnkey systems, are listed, but for their conceptual diversity not compared at a great level of detail. The chapter further covers architectural considerations for patch clamp systems, headstage design, data acquisition strategies and efficient structuring of the recorded data, controlling and monitoring periphery, advanced technologies, such as software lock-in amplifier capability and dynamic clamp features, and application modules for efficient analysis of action potentials and postsynaptic events.

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