
1. Development at the Margins: Pathways of Change in the Horn of Africa Andy Catley, Jeremy Lind and Ian Scoones Part 1: Resources and Production 2. Mobility and the Sustainability of the Pastoral Production System in Africa: Perspectives of Contrasting Paradigms Gufu Oba 3. Range Enclosures in Southern Oromia, Ethiopia: An Innovative Response or Erosion in the Common Property Resource Tenure? Boku Tache Dida 4. Pastoralists and Irrigation in the Horn of Africa: Time for a Rethink? Stephen Sandford 5. Replacing Pastoralism with Irrigated Agriculture in the Awash Valley, North-Eastern Ethiopia: Counting the Costs Roy Behnke and Carol Kerven 6. Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa: Consequences and Implications for the Future of Pastoralism Polly Ericksen Part 2: Commercialisation and Markets 7. Moving Up or Moving Out? Commercialization, Growth and Destitution in Pastoralist Areas Andy Catley and Yacob Aklilu 8. Shipping Out the Desert Ship: Camel Marketing in the Northern Kenya/Southern Ethiopia Borderlands Hussein Mahmoud 9. Responsible Companies and African Livestock-Keepers: Acting, Teaching but not Learning? John Morton 10. Town Camels: Pastoral Innovation in a Fast Changing World: Case Study from Gode Town, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia Abdi Hussein Part 3: Land and Conflict 11. The Future of Pastoralist Conflict Paul Goldsmith 12. Land Grabbing in the Eastern African Rangelands John Galaty 13. The Precipice of a Catastrophe: Land Deals and the Changing Political Economy of Pastoralism in the Tana Delta, Kenya Abdirizak Nunow 14. Squeezed from all Sides: Changing Resource Tenure and Pastoralist Innovation on the Laikipia Plateau, Kenya John Letai and Jeremy Lind 15. Mobile Pastoralism and Land grabbing in Sudan: Impacts and Responses Mustafa Babiker 16. The Need to strengthen Land Laws in Ethiopia to protect Pastoral Rights Abebe Mulatu and Solomon Bekure Part 4: Alternative Livelihoods 17. Seeking Alternative Strategies: Settled Pastoralists as Farmers, Town Dwellers, Wage Earners, and Traders Elliot Fratkin 18. Reaching Pastoralists with Formal Education: a Distance Learning Strategy for Kenya David Siele, Jeremy Swift and Saverio Kratli 19. Social Protection for Pastoralists: Just Give them Cash? Stephen Devereux 20. Women and Economic Diversification in Pastoralist Communities: A Regional Perspective John Livingstone and Everse Ruhindi Conclusion 21. Reflections on the Future of Pastoralism in the Horn of Africa Peter Little

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