
This study aimed to investigate the pasting, thermal, and functional characteristics of the flour blends formulated between chestnut and wheat or rice flours. A total of 21 flour blends were formulated and morphology, pasting, thermal and functional properties were determined. Significant (p < 0.05) differences were observed in their pasting, thermal, and functional properties including water solubility index, swelling power, and oil absorption capacity among flour blends, the flour blend (80:20) of chestnut with wheat or rice showed the highest swelling capacity. Results demonstrated that raw chestnut flour contains lowest capability of oil absorption, while the Northeast rice flour blended with chestnut flour absorbed high quantity of oil. Further, the raw Northeast rice flour displayed better pasting quality and thermal stability. Overall, this study revealed that the blend of chestnut and wheat flour can expand paste quality, while the blend of chestnut and rice flour perform well in the quality characteristics during food processing.

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