
How are we to find apprentices to follow in our footsteps? How can we win in the competition for the top minds? How can we explain to the young the excitement, the achievements, the inner satisfactions of biology and medicine? Many medical students tell us they were inspired to enter medical school by reading Paul de Kruif's<i>Microbe Hunters</i>or Sinclair Lewis's<i>Arrowsmith</i>. This 150-page paperback by Rene Dubos is a book to be presented to high school graduating classes by county medical societies to help in recruiting medical students. It conveys the supreme pleasure of science... and medicine—pleasure... without satiation. Can Louis Pasteur's career be analyzed, or are all conclusions exceptions to the usual course? Pasteur obeyed very few of the rules for being successful. He would have failed, obviously, his class in social adjustment. He was unsmiling, passionately argumentative, an aggressive showman, and an almost isolated worker with

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