
We report here on a UV-camera based field experiment performed on Stromboli volcano during 7 days in 2010 and 2011, aimed at obtaining the very first simultaneous assessment of all the different forms (passive and active) of SO2 release from an open-vent volcano. Using the unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution of the UV camera, we obtained a 0.8Hz record of the total SO2 flux from Stromboli over a timeframe of ∼14h, which ranged between 0.4 and 1.9kgs−1 around a mean value of 0.7kgs−1 and we concurrently derived SO2 masses for more than 130 Strombolian explosions and 50 gas puffs. From this, we show erupted SO2 masses have a variability of up to one order of magnitude, and range between 2 and 55kg (average ∼20kg), corresponding to a time integrated flux of 0.05±0.01kgs−1. Our experimental constraints on individual gas puff mass (0.03–0.42kg of SO2, averaging 0.19kg) are the first of their kind, equating to an emission rate ranging from 0.02 to 0.27kgs−1. On this basis, we conclude that puffing is two times more efficient than Strombolian explosions in the magmatic degassing process, and that active degassing (explosions+puffing) accounts for ∼23% (ranging from 10% to 45%) of the volcano's total SO2 flux, e.g., passive degassing between the explosions contributes the majority (∼77%) of the released gas. We furthermore integrate our UV camera gas data for the explosions and puffs, with independent geophysical data (infrared radiometer data and very long period seismicity), to offer key and novel insights into the degassing dynamics within the shallow conduit systems of this open-vent volcano.

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