
AbstractFor locating pipeline pigs, passive ultrasonic RFID tags are proposed to indicate pipeline segments in the paper. Ultrasonic transmitters and receivers are carried on the pig robot, and RFID tags are placed on the outside wall of long-distance pipelines. The built ultrasonic RFID localization model shows that ultrasonic transmitters and receivers work in their radiating near-field regions, while RFID tags work in their reactive near-field regions. These tags can also be discovered by hand-held readers when the maintenance required. Therefore, both requirements of inner localization and outer localization are satisfied simultaneously. What is more, system structures and operation steps of pig launching and pig receiving are provided. In discussion, three RFID tags are placed around the outside wall of each pipeline segment to improve the identification rate and in case of any potential malfunction. The methodology also provides a feasible solution to determine orientations of pipeline pigs and potential defects.KeywordsPassive ultrasonic RFIDpipeline piginner localizationouter localizationorientation determination

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