
1. A strategy is described for evaluating drugs against different phases in the development of an auto allergic disease, experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. It is based on a cell transfer technique whereby the disease is passively transferred with lymphoid cells from actively immunized donor rats to normal syngeneic rats = passive recipients. Drugs may be applied in vivo to either the cell donors or the cell recipients or to cells in vitro whilst in transit; their efficiency being determined by the severity of the passive disease (weight loss, paralysis) in the recipients. 2. Examples are given illustrating the application of these techniques to: (a) evaluating the lymphocyte-deactivating activity of various nitrogen mustards in vitro; (b) recognizing drugs, e.g. gold derivatives, clofazimine, etc. that are not conventional immunosuppressant (or cytostatic) agents which, when given to the recipient animals, may prevent the expression of the adopted disease; (c) comparing some known immunosuppressants for potency, duration of action, etc.; (d) demonstrating the versatility of cycloleucine, ICI-47,776, etc. 3. Some merits of the strategy are discussed vis a vis using the local graft-versus-host reaction in rats to search for new drugs.

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