
Exploration for hydrocarbons over the past few years has greatly improved our understanding of the geometry of frontal mountain belt structures. In this study we introduce and discuss the concept of the ‘Passive-roof duplex’, using as the main example the Kirthar and Sulaiman Ranges in the Baluchistan Province of Pakistan. Structures similar to those described here have been recognized previously in other mountain belts, and they appear to exist as a common feature in many more frontal regions of mountain belts. Our example of a Passive-roof duplex which we describe from Pakistan is compared briefly with similar structures reported by others. The Passive-roof duplex is here defined as a duplex whose roof thrust has backthrust sense ( Passive-roof thrust) and whose roof sequence (those rocks lying above the roof thrust) remains relatively ‘stationary’ during foreland directed piggy-back style propagation of horses within the duplex.

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