
As shown by recent examples, the presence of space debris represents an increasing risk for space missions. Fully aware of this problem, CNES has implemented a policy in this field aiming at a better knowledge of the environment to assess the risk and at the preparation of the necessary mitigation measures. These objectives will be reached thanks to technical activities and to an increased cooperation with our international partners.First, at national level, technical activities are in progress with the support of industry and research organizations. These activities deal for instance with observation of space debris using ground or on-board equipments. The design of future satellites and launchers is also an important subject to reduce the production of debris and to limit the consequences in case of collision. In the mean time new operational practices are experimented and already implemented. In addition a safety requirements document, which will be applied by all the future projects is under preparation.Secondly, as the future mitigation measures will result of international agreements the cooperation with the other spacefaring nations is developped. This is done at European level through the participation to working groups with ESA and the other European space agencies. This is also done at a more global level through an active participation to IADC (Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee) and to the Scientific and Technical Sub-Committee of the UN-COPUOS (United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space).

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