
A = solar balloon’s surface area, m E = Young’s modulus of the skin, Pa h = auxiliary variable, see Eq. (13) i, ĵ, k = unit vectors of rotating frame K = second-order tensor, see Eq. (5) k = gain ‘ = sun–planet distance (with ‘ ≜ 1 AU), astronomical unit m = mass, kg O = center of mass p = internal pressure, Pa R = solar balloon’s radius, m r = absolute position vector, r krk T = spacecraft equilibrium temperature, K T O; x; y; z = rotating reference frame u = vector, see Eq. (6) W = thermal power flux,W=m W = solar constant, 1350 W=m 2 = coefficient of absorptivity = lightness number = variation = coefficient of emissivity = angular coordinate, deg = planet’s dimensionless mass = skin’s Poisson ratio = dimensionless x coordinate = relative position vector, k k = skin’s tensile stress, Pa ~ = Stefan–Boltzmann constant = coefficient of linear expansion, K 1 ! = angular velocity, rad=s

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