
Day-old chicks peck when offered a bright bead; if the bead is coated with the bitter-tasting methylanthranilate (M) they avoid it thereafter. 2-[14C] Deoxyglucose injected 1 min prior to training shows increased uptake into the hyperstriatum ventrale (HV) and lobus parolfactorius (LPO) 30 min later compared with control birds which have pecked a water-coated bead (W). To distinguish effects of training from those of consolidation, and to study lateralization of the increased uptake, 2-[14C]deoxyglucose (4 muCi) was injected ip either 5 min before, or 10 or 30 min after training. Thirty minutes after injection, bilateral samples of medial hyperstriatum ventrale (MHV), LPO and palaeostriatum augmentatum (PA)-enriched regions were dissected. Specific radioactivity (dmp/mg X prot) in left and right MHV and left and right LPO was standardized on the mean PA-specific radioactivity for each bird. When 2-DG was injected 5 min prior to training, standardized radioactivity in the left LPO was 26% greater, and in the left MHV 13% greater in M than W birds. There were no differences in the right hemisphere. With injection 10 min after training, there was an increase of 22% in the left LPO of M birds over W, of 29% in the left MHV and 22% in the right MHV. If injection was delayed to 30 min after training, there was no increase in the LPO, but a 13% increase persisted in the left MHV. Enhanced 2DG metabolism following passive avoidance training is thus persistent, lateralized, and, in the MHV at least may represent an aspect of cellular reorganization consequent on experience but independent of the immediate concomitants of training--perhaps part of the process of memory consolidation.

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