
Passenger information is an essential part of public transport and mobility in general. Enabling passengers to plan their journey, to check travel times and routes as well as prices and local information. Technological developments have made information available, e.g. real-time information of vehicles, which supports seamless information before and during the trip. These developments have lead to new information systems along the travel chain, e.g. real-time information displays at stop points, interactive public displays or mobile passenger applications. In this regard, mobile passenger information systems often serve as personal assistants along the journey, providing necessary information for the individual journey of each passenger. Designing these systems for different users and for different journeys, requires knowledge about when and where information and functions are needed along the journey. This knowledge enables developers to design these systems more in regard to the user’s needs. This paper shows a user and context depended evaluation of a mobile passenger information system and an assessment of twenty different functions, related to the fulfillment of information needs along the journey and the creation of added value.

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