
This article presents the results of the validation of the Work Passion Scale developed by Vallerand et al. (2003). To determine the construct validity and the psychometric properties of the scale, a convenience multi-occupational sample of 452 Argentinean workers (56% women, average age = 35.56 years [SD = 10.84], average seniority = 8.82 years [SD = 9.10]) was used. Factor analyses revealed a structure composed of 2 correlated latent factors, comprising 14 items as observable indicators (S-Bχ2/gl = 1.85, GFI = 0.90, CFI = 0.94, RMSEA = 0.04), with adequate reliability according to the ordinal alpha coefficient and the composite reliability coefficient (harmonious passion: α = 0.79, CR = 0.80; obsessive passion: α = 0.80, CR = 0.81). Evidence of concurrent validity was obtained from direct correlations, calculated using Spearman’s rho, between the scales of passion for work, flow, job involvement, and job satisfaction. According to the R2 coefficient, the predictive and incremental validity of passion as an explanation of job satisfaction surpassed the impact of flow and job involvement. The configural and measurement invariance of the scale across gender was demonstrated using the χ2 difference test. The results obtained p

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