
The following “Key Lemma” plays an important role in the work by Parusiński on the existence of Lipschitz stratifications in the class of semianalytic sets: For any positive integer n n , there is a finite set of homogeneous symmetric polynomials W 1 , … , W N W_1, \dots ,W_N in Z [ x 1 , … , x n ] Z[x_1,\dots ,x_n] and a constant M > 0 M >0 such that \[ | d x i / x i | ≤ M max j = 1 , … , N | d W j / W j | , |dx_i/x_i| \le M \max _{j = 1, \dots , N} |dW_j/W_j| \; , \] as densely defined functions on the tangent bundle of C n \mathbb {C}^n . We give a new algebro-geometric proof of this result.

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