
The aim of the article is to present students’ participation in (self-)education during English lessons conducted according to the participatory learning culture model. The study was conducted in a pragmatic paradigm, reaching for a research approach labeled “close-to-practice research”, with the use of the case study method. This approach enabled the researcher to bring to light students’ perspectives on participation in classroom work and in their own (self-)education. The study shows that students are interested and ready to participate in their own (self-)education in English lessons conducted according to the participatory learning culture model. This participation covers three scopes: setting their own goals to achieve, co-determining how they work at the lessons, and observing and evaluating their achievements. As a result, students present their own expectations of the taught subject, are able to manage their lesson work responsibly, consider learning not as an activity imposed by the teacher, but as a component of their own (self-)education, perceive learning as a stage of (self-)education, and acquire the skills to learn (how) to learn.

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