
Park and Skoug established several integration by parts formulas involving analytic Feynman integrals, analytic Fourier–Feynman transforms, and the first variation of cylinder-type functionals of standard Brownian motion paths in Wiener space $$C_0[0,T]$$. In this paper, using a very general Cameron–Storvick theorem on the Wiener space $$C_0[0,T]$$, we establish various integration by parts formulas involving generalized analytic Feynman integrals, generalized analytic Fourier–Feynman transforms, and the first variation (associated with Gaussian processes) of functionals F on $$C_0[0,T]$$ having the form $$\begin{aligned} F(x)=f(\langle {\alpha _1,x}\rangle , \ldots , \langle {\alpha _n,x}\rangle ) \end{aligned}$$for scale-invariant almost every $$x\in C_0[0,T]$$, where $$\langle {\alpha ,x}\rangle $$ denotes the Paley–Wiener–Zygmund stochastic integral $$\int _0^T \alpha (t)dx(t)$$, and $$\{\alpha _1,\ldots ,\alpha _n\}$$ is an orthogonal set of nonzero functions in $$L_2[0,T]$$. The Gaussian processes used in this paper are not stationary.

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