
As a sequel of our preceding work [1] we carry out a comprehensive comparative study between the quasi parton distribution functions (PDFs), distribution amplitudes (DAs) and their light-cone counterparts for various flavor-neutral mesons, in the context of the 't Hooft model, that is, the two-dimensional QCD in the large $N$ limit. In contrast to the original derivation via diagrammatic techniques exemplified by Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations, here we employ the Hamiltonian operator approach to reconstruct the celebrated 't Hooft equation in light-front quantization, and Bars-Green equations in equal-time quantization. The novelty of our derivation is to employ the soft momentum cutoff as the IR regulator. As a virtue of this operator approach, the functional form of the quasi distributions can be transparently built out of the Bars-Green wave functions and the Bogoliubov angle with the aid of bosonization technique. Equipped with various bound-state wave functions numerically inferred in [1], we then investigate how rapidly the quasi distributions approach their light-cone counterparts with the increasing meson momentum. We observe that, light mesons' quasi distributions approach the light-cone distributions in a slower pace than the heavy quarkonia. Curiously, lattice simulations of quasi distributions in four-dimensional QCD also discover this feature. Furthermore, we also compute the partonic light-cone PDF and quasi-PDF to one-loop order in perturbation theory, again employing the momentum cutoff as the IR regulator. We explicitly verify one of the backbones underlying the large momentum effective field theory (LaMET), namely, both quasi-PDFs and light-cone PDFs in ${\rm QCD}_2$ indeed possess the same IR behavior at leading order in $1/P^z$


  • Parton distributions functions (PDFs) and distribution amplitudes (DAs) encapsulate the nonperturbative structures of quarks and gluons inside a hadron

  • High Energy Phys. 11 (2017) 151], we carry out a comprehensive comparative study between the quasiparton distribution functions (PDFs), distribution amplitudes (DAs), and their light-cone counterparts for various flavor-neutral mesons in the context of the ’t Hooft model, that is, the two-dimensional QCD in the large-N limit

  • High Energy Phys. 11 (2017) 151], we investigate how rapidly the quasidistributions approach their light-cone counterparts with the increasing meson momentum

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Parton distributions functions (PDFs) and distribution amplitudes (DAs) encapsulate the nonperturbative structures of quarks and gluons inside a hadron. Parton distributions are the key ingredient for making predictions for any hard process in the high-energy hadron collision experiments. The most promising approach of calculating the parton distributions from the first principle of QCD is lattice simulation.

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