
Parton distribution functions (PDFs) and light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) are central non-perturbative objects of interest in high-energy inelastic and elastic scattering, respectively. As a result, an ab-initio determination of these objects is highly desirable. In this paper we present theoretical details for the calculation of the PDFs and LCDAs using a heavy-quark operator product expansion method. This strategy was proposed in a previous paper [Phys. Rev. D 73, 014501 (2006)] for computing higher moments of the PDFs using lattice QCD. Its central feature is the introduction of a fictitious, valence heavy quark. In the current article, we show that the operator product expansion (OPE) of the hadronic matrix element we study can also be expressed as the convolution of a perturbative matching kernel and the corresponding light-cone distribution, which in principle can be inverted to determine the parton momentum fraction dependence. Regarding the extraction of higher moments, this work also provides the one-loop Wilson coefficients in the OPE formulas for the unpolarized PDF, helicity PDF and pseudo-scalar meson LCDAs. Although these Wilson coefficients for the PDFs can be inferred from existing results in the literature, those for the LCDAs are new.


  • Factorization in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) allows one to describe many hard hadronic reactions as a convolution of a short-range perturbative kernel and a long-range process-independent function [1]

  • We discuss the theoretical details of the heavyquark operator product expansion (HOPE) method applied to the parton distribution functions (PDFs) and light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs)

  • After introducing the unpolarized PDF, helicity PDF and LCDA we begin with a general overview of the HOPE strategy

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Factorization in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) allows one to describe many hard hadronic reactions as a convolution of a short-range (high-energy) perturbative kernel and a long-range (low-energy) process-independent function [1]. Direct evaluations of the PDFs and LCDAs require the computation of matrix elements involving nonperturbative dynamics on the light cone, and are not possible in a Euclidean formulation of field theory like lattice QCD. This problem in lattice calculations has been addressed using Wilson’s operator product expansion (OPE) [7,8] to express the nonlocal operator as an infinite sum of local operators. Its key ingredient is the introduction of a fictitious, valence heavy quark that enables additional control of an OPE for calculating higher moments We call this the heavyquark operator product expansion (HOPE) method. IV C we give one-loop results for the LCDAs, which are new

Parton distribution function
Light cone distribution amplitude
Current theoretical approaches
Relationship to other approaches
Convergence and analytic structure of HOPE hadronic amplitude
Parton distribution functions
Unpolarized PDF The one-loop hadronic amplitude can be expressed as
Helicity PDF
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