
BOOK REVIEWS271 nessee; at Treadwell's near Clinton and Vernon Cross Roads, Miss.; and at Pungo Landing, N.C. Shelby's cavalry in Missouri fought at Johnstown, Deer Creek, and near and at Humansville. A few reviews have suggested that it is engrossing to read Long's book straight through, but given passages like the last, the attempt is not recommended here. Apart from these limitations implicit in the method or otherwise selfimposed , it must be said that Long has done his job well. Bruce Catton , whose researcher he was for The Centennial History of the Civil War, writes in the foreword that "It is no exaggeration whatever to say that this man knows more facts about the Civil War than any other man who ever lived." Catton may be right; in this vast collection of facts, scarcely a mistake has slipped through—though Long kills off poor old Black Kettle of the Cheyennes in the Sand Creek massacre of November 29, 1864, which might of course have been more merciful than his actual death four years later in the Washita fight. The book is partly a byproduct of Long's work on Carton's Centennial History, and it includes a full bibliography of materials used in preparing that history but not completely listed therein. The most valuable feature may well be the section of "Special Studies," containing statistics of population, size of armies, casualties, disease, desertion, prisoners, the navies and the blockade, and also of the economic matters neglected in the almanac section. There is a large and good index which also helps compensate for the shortcomings of the almanac method. Perhaps though associated with the Centennial History, The Civil War Day by Day is really aimed at the war's bicentennial. When the years 2061-2065 roll around, this book will offer the Civil War buff a privilege not available to his counterpart of 1961-1965, a handy guide to knowing just what happened every day during the war years as the anniversary observances proceed. Perhaps this is the need the book fulfills. Russell F. Weigley Temple University Partners in Rebellion: Alabama Women in the Civil War. By H. E. Sterkx. (Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1970. Pp. 238. $10.00. ) In this age of women's liberation, publishers seem anxious to load our bookshop shelves and library stacks with volumes devoted to feminine accomplishments. It must be admitted that women's place in the affairs of nations has received inadequate attention until recent years. For example, one finds reams of material devoted to the men of the Civil W7ar. But what about the women they left behind? Certainly their role was not a completely passive one. Yet relatively little substantial attention has been devoted to their contributions in this momentous 272civil war history struggle. There are a few accounts, e.g. those by Francis B. Simkins, James M. Patten, and Mary Elizabeth Massey. But recently, H. E. Sterkx, professor of history at Auburn University, has published Partners in Rebellion: Alabama Women in the Civil War. Mr. Sterkx, in an endeavor to recreate the role of over a hundred thousand female Confederate sympathizers by supplying the organization of and transitions between their quoted words, has not attempted "to resurrect the past for its own sweet, sentimental sake." Indeed, as he so wisely points out, war is not sweet or sentimental; it is an ugly, traumatic experience for all concerned, the victors and the losers. From his research and reporting, Sterkx believes the common denominator among the southern women was their belief that all great enterprises were easy, requiring little planning or preparation. Needed for victory were enthusiasm and self-sacrifice, faith in the cause and in its ultimate success. Though such a belief failed to result in victory, Sterkx strives to prove that conditions for the Confederacy would have been far worse without the help of these women on the home front. Sterkx's work is well written and adequately documented, though footnotes at the bottom of each page rather than at the end of the book would be more desirable. Nevertheless, this small volume at its inflationary price should have a rather limited appeal. Alabama Women in...

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