
Analysing the pollen stored by stingless bees allows identification of the diversity of flowering plants visited by these bees while collecting resources during a given period. However, few studies have focused on investigating the sharing of resources between species of native bees that coexist in transitional plant formations, which support conservation efforts and increase colony productivity. This study aims to describe the partitioning of pollen resources among colonies of two species of stingless bees in the state of the Bahia (Brazil) through the analysis of stored pollen. The study was conducted in neighbouring vegetation zones of the relevant species Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides and Melipona scutellaris by collecting monthly pollen samples stored by three colonies of each species over one year. The collected samples were treated using the acetolysis technique, and the partitioning of pollen resources between the two species was investigated through quali-quantitative analysis of the treated pollen. The results show that among the 16 pollen types belonging to a particular species or group identified in the Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides samples and the 18 identified in the Melipona scutellaris samples, 13 were shared by both species. The two most common pollen types stored by both species were from Mimosa arenosa (Fabaceae, Mimosoidae) and Eucalyptus sp. (Myrtaceae). These results demonstrate the niche similarity of pollen pasture between these two species and suggest that conservation efforts for these bee species should focus on the plant families most visited by bees.

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