
This research discusses about Participation of Local Community in the Management of Tourist Attraction of Pandawa Beach at the Customary Village of Kutuh. The research aims to discuss the potential of tourist attraction of Pandawa beach, which has been developed by the authorized management, as well as the participation of local community of Kutuh customary village. Further, the management of tourist attraction of Pandawa Beach is described according to five elements: tourism industry and typology of participation and characteristic of the community.
 Method used is descriptive qualitative. Data was collected by way of observation, structured interview, literature study and documentation. Later data was analyzed with informant setting technique and purpose sampling technique. Based on the result of discussion can be suggested that local community participation in the management of tourist attraction of Pandawa beach namely the provision of qualifies natural resources, recruitment of employess for tourist attraction of Pandawa beach preferring local population to increase the economy of community of Kutuh customary village.
 Keywords: Public Participation Management


  • This research discusses about Participation of Local Community in the Management of Tourist Attraction of Pandawa Beach at the Customary Village of Kutuh

  • The research aims to discuss the potential of tourist attraction of Pandawa beach, which has been developed by the authorized management, as well as the participation of local community of Kutuh customary village

  • The management of tourist attraction of Pandawa Beach is described according to five elements: tourism industry and typology of participation and characteristic of the community

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Bali merupakan pulau yang memiliki potensi industri pariwisata terbesar di Indonesia. Pantai Pandawa adalah salah satu industri pariwisata yang terletak di Desa Adat Kutuh, Kecamatan Badung. Di sisi lain pantai ini juga terkenal dengan istilah Secret Beach oleh tamu mancanegara yang pertama kali mengetahui daya tarik wisata pantai ini. Karena letaknya yang tersembunyi namun memiliki potensi industri pariwisata yang sangat potensial, Sampai akhirnya pantai ini lebih dikenal oleh para wisatawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep manajemen pengelolaan daya tarik wisata Pantai Pandawa yang dilakukan oleh pihak manajemen pengelola Pantai Pandawa hingga bisa berkembang pesat seperti saat ini serta bagaimana bentuk partisipasi masyarakat desa adat kutuh terhadap pengelolaan daya tarik wisata Pantai Pandawa ini. Hasil penelitian ini diharapakan mampu dijadikan bahan masukan, saran serta informasi bagi pihak manajemen pengelola dan masyarakat desa adat kutuh dalam mengelola dan mengembangkan daya tarik wisata Pantai Pandawa ini

Potensi Perairan
Potensi Patung Pandawa
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