
 Waturaka Tourism Village is a community-based development. Waturaka tourism village has a wealth of natural resource assets and also a very massive culture. Therefore, managing elements of tourism products through the concept of “community based tourism” is ideal in an effort to provide economic benefits for local communities, nature and cultural conservation amid the rampant negative conventional mass tourism. This study aims to look at the components of tourism planning and community participation in it to produce philosophical implementation of community-based tourism.Technique used to collect the data in this research is observation, interview as well as literature study. Descriptive qualitative is used as the data analysis technique in this research.
 The results of this study indicate that, the management of the tourism product component in Waturaka tourism village was managed by community with a very high level of participation (citizen power) on one hand but not on the other. It is because the motive of local people's enthusiasm to develop community-based tourism in terms of awareness of global reality. Suggestions from this research are tourism awareness groups ( Kelompok sadar wisata) are expected to build networks with external parties in the context of the tourism village marketing, the government and non-government organization is expected to continue to empower local communities so as to produce massive competence in the tourism industry in order to provide maximum satisfaction to tourists.
 Keywords: CBT, tourism village, participation


  • I.Pendahuluan Filosofi pariwisata berbasis masyarakat adalah keaktifan partisipasi masyarakat dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan kesejahteraan masyarakat itu sendiri melalui pengembangan asset sumber daya pariwisata yang dimiliki

  • Pariwisata berbasis masyarakat adalah anti tesis dari pariwisata berkelanjutan sebab pariwisata berkelanjutan mengedepankan top down approach sedangkan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat mengedepankan bottom-up approach (Tasci et al,2013)

  • S. Pariwisata berbasis masyarakat dalam menemukan keseimbangan konteks COMCEC: Mengatur arah menuju masa depan

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Konsep partisipasi

Arnstein (1969) tentang kadar partisipasi yang dikemas dalam ladder of participation. Waturaka dalam pengelolaan desa wisata tersebut merupaka n parameter primer dalam konteks pariwisata berbasis masyarakat. Waturaka bila dikaji dari perspektif ‘ladder of participation” menghasilkan kadar partisipasi yang tinggi (citizen power) dikarenakan masyarakat lokal sangat aktif dalam pengelolaannya ditandai dengan inisiatif awal dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Waturaka

Konsep desa wisata
Komponen produk pariwisata di Desa
Jalur trekking di Desa Plung jalan Wisata Waturaka
Ruang ganti
Partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan Desa Wisata Waturaka
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