
A growing area of interest in chemical education has been the research associated with conceptual understanding at the particulate level. This study investigated the views of 10 university chemistry lecturers, 85 pre-service chemistry teachers and 23 Secondary 3 (equivalent to Year 9) chemistry students about the particulate level of a chemical reaction, namely the heating of copper (II) carbonate. Four characteristic views were identified on the basis of their diagrammatic representations of particles. These were: (a) formation of intermediates; (b) formation of free particles (e. g., atoms or ions); (c) combination of a and b: formation of free particles (e. g., atoms or ions) first, and then intermediates; (d) no mechanism. Both the majority of the lecturers and the pre-service teachers held an identical view about the reaction mechanism, namely that the decomposition of copper (II) carbonate goes through a transition stage by forming intermediates. In contrast, even though the students were familiar with this reaction, about half of them naively believed that copper (II) carbonate broke up on heating and the particles recombined directly to form copper (II) oxide and carbon dioxide, the two observed products. About one-third of the students had neither any notion of how the atoms in the copper (II) carbonate lattice interacted and were rearranged in the reaction nor any concept of bond-breaking and reformation in a chemical reaction.

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