
Abstract. Within the framework of the C.L.I.M.A. Project, a part of the Italian Research Program in Antarctica, the Total Particulate Matter (TPM) was used as a natural marker to characterise the water masses. The dynamics of TPM was estimated by using a numerical model capable of following the evolution of the basin during the ice absence in summer.The first numerical simulation, with horizontally constant initial conditions and the absence of TPM source areas, merely reveals how TPM passive dispersion is strongly influenced by the Ross Ice Shelf and bathymetry.The second simulation, with TPM concentration horizontally variable and vertically decreasing layers, shows a dynamic evolution of TPM that is in agreement with experimental data. On the surface, in correspondence with the shelf‐break, an out‐flowing flux with particulate matter contribution coming from Ross Ice Shelf is recognised.The TPM concentration may be linked to the ice melting due to the Antarctic Surface Water, with production of Shallow Ice Shelf Water. The numerical model produces, near the Drygalski area, two cells with high concentration. This numerical evolution is confirmed by the 1990 data (Spezie et al, 1993) that clearly show these two areas and their correlations with the Drygalski contributions (the inner area) and with the thermo‐haline front (the external one). This condition is evident in the 1994‐1995 data too (Bu‐dillon et al, 1999). In this case the authors observed that the Circumpolar Deep Water penetrates onto the shelf at about 174°E; then, modifying its properties, it follows a southward path for about 200 km. The Antarctic Shelf Front (ASF) separates CDW from the colder shelf water with a high concentration of suspended matter.At the 300‐meter level, the diffusion of the particulate matter directed under the RIS, towards the continental shelf, seems to be an important feature. Very high TPM values are also present in the deep water in the area off the Drygalski Glacier; this evolution agrees with the –400 m data collected during the 1990–1991 cruise (Spezie et al., 1993).

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