
Orthodontics is a specialty of dental medicine that discovers and treat dento - maxillary abnormalities (or lack of teeth alignment - malocclusions - unsightly dental rotation, lack of congruence of the two dental arches) solving both aesthetic and functional problems ;contributes to improving dental and facial aesthetics, and implicitly to improving psychological well-being, self-esteem and quality of life. Orthodontic treatment is a support for multidisciplinary approach with other dental specialties in order to obtain facial and dental aesthetics; seeks to improve the appearance of smile and occlusion (bite) so that the teeth can bear without trauma the daily forces sore from the time of mastication; has the potential to eliminate future dental problems, including abnormal teeth wear. Dento-maxillary abnormalities synthesize current concepts of normal occlusion and explain the mechanisms by which dento-maxillary abnormalities occur, the morphological differences that allow classification and how they can affect the individual�s appearance. The study includes a wider group of pediatric patients aged between 7 and 11 years, growing showing a diverse pathology, periodontal dental trauma, dental abnormalities, which may require the prosthesis. It can be argued that in most chromosomal syndromes, oro-facial abnormalities are major symptoms as pathognomonic value for clinical diagnosis; involvement of other body regions in these syndromes are frequently nonspecific and common to several syndromes.The great variability of their treatment measures used in dental abnormalities requires knowledge of their causal factors, as well as their mechanism of action and production.


  • During the embryonic development of the cephalic extremity, various anomalies may occur

  • Dental prosthesis analyzes the condition of dental arches and muscle and articular balance, often severely altered by loss of one or more teeth or even excessive dental curing, and finds the most appropriate treatment solutions in the purpose of restoring the integrity of arches in a functional and aesthetic way in perfect harmony with the other structures of the oral cavity

  • The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the causes that lead to the necessity of introducing a prosthetic treatment in the case of growing patients, to highlight the consequences of nonprotection, as well as theidentification of treatment solutions in children with trauma

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During the embryonic development of the cephalic extremity, various anomalies may occur.

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