
In this paper a theoretical studies of the space separation of electron and hole wave functions in the quantum well ZnO/Mg(0.27)Zn(0.73)O are presented. For this aim the self-consistent solution of the Schrödinger equations for electrons and holes and the Poisson equations at the presence of spatially varying quantum well potential due to the piezoelectric effect and local exchange-correlation potential is found. The one-dimensional Poisson equation contains the Hartree potential which includes the one-dimensional charge density for electrons and holes along the polarization field distribution. The three-dimensional Poisson equation contains besides the one-dimensional charge density for electrons and holes the exchange-correlation potential which is built on convolutions of a plane-wave part of wave functions in addition. The shifts of the Hartree valence band spectrums and the conduction band spectrum with respect to the flat band spectrums as well as the Hartree-Fock band spectrums with respect to the Hartree ones are found. An overlap integrals of the wave functions of holes and electron with taking into account besides the piezoelectric effects the exchange-correlation effects in addition is greater than an overlap integral of Hartree ones. The Hartree particles distribute greater on edges of quantum well than Hartree-Fock particles. It is found that an effective mass of heavy hole of Mg(0.27)Zn(0.73)O under biaxial strain is greater than an effective-mass of heavy hole of ZnO. It is calculated that an electron mass is less than a hole mass. It is found that the Bohr radius is grater than the localization range particle-hole pair, and the excitons may be spontaneously created.Schrödinger equation for pair of two massless Dirac particles when magnetic field is applied in Landau gauge is solved exactly. In this case the separation of center of mass and relative motion is obtained. Landau quantization $\epsilon=\pm\,B\sqrt{l}$ for pair of two Majorana fermions coupled via a Coulomb potential from massless chiral Dirac equation in cylindric coordinate is found. The root ambiguity in energy spectrum leads into Landau quantization for beelectron, when the states in which the one simultaneously exists are allowed. The tachyon solution with imaginary energy in Cooper problem ($\epsilon^{2}<0$) is found.

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