
The current study presents novel experimental data on soot particle size distributions (PSDs) with mobility diameters in the size range 4≤Dm[nm]≤230 obtained from four premixed turbulent ethylene-air flames crossing the soot inception limit. The flames are stabilised against hot combustion products from nitrogen diluted hydrogen flames in a back-to-burnt (or fresh-to-burnt) opposed jet configuration. The burner features fractal grid generated turbulence to provide accurate control of the turbulence. A scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) equipped with nano- and long–DMA columns coupled with a dual dilution port quartz probe is used and a comprehensive analysis of optimal sampling conditions to minimise particle losses is presented. Spatially resolved data along the stagnation point streamline is obtained to show the evolution of PSDs through the turbulent flame brush. It is shown that turbulent transport distributes soot particles across the mixing layer between the two jets with the maximum median and mean mobility diameters found close to the stagnation point. The impact of the estimated total mean rate of strain (420≤aT[s−1]≤610) and equivalence ratio (1.8≤ϕUN≤2.2) on PSDs is also quantified.

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