
The objective of the experiment was to determine if factors such as endosperm type (floury vs. vitreous) and particle size (fine vs. medium) of dry corn grain, known to affect starch digestibility in the rumen, modify apparent ruminal synthesis and duodenal flow of B vitamins in lactating dairy cows. Eight lactating multiparous Holstein cows equipped with rumen and duodenal cannulas were assigned randomly to a treatment sequence according to a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement in duplicate 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment. Duration of each experimental period was 21 d. When expressed per unit of dry matter intake (DMI), floury treatments increased duodenal flow and apparent ruminal synthesis of niacin and folates but tended to increase apparent degradation of thiamin in the rumen. Duodenal flow of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folates, and vitamin B12, expressed per unit of DMI, decreased with an increase in particle size. Similarly, apparent degradation of thiamin and riboflavin was greater and apparent synthesis of niacin, folates, and vitamin B12 was reduced when cows were fed coarser dry corn grain particles. Neither endosperm type nor particle size had an effect on duodenal flow and apparent ruminal synthesis of vitamin B6. Apparent ruminal syntheses, expressed per unit of DMI, of all studied B vitamins but thiamin were negatively correlated with apparent ruminal digestibility of neutral detergent fiber. Duodenal flow of microbial N was positively correlated with apparent ruminal synthesis of riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, and folates. Under the conditions of the present experiment, except for thiamin, the effects of factors increasing starch digestibility of dry corn grain in the rumen on the amounts of B vitamins available for absorption by the dairy cow seem to be mediated through differences on ruminal digestibility of neutral detergent fiber and, to a lesser extent, on duodenal microbial N flow.

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