
Composite fermions (CFs) of the fractional quantum Hall effect are described as spherical products of electron and vortex spinors, built from underlying L=1/2 ladder operators aligned so that the spinor angular momenta Le and Lv are maximal. We identify the CF's quantum numbers as the angular momentum L in (L_e L_v)L, its magnetic projection m_L, the electron number N, with L_v={N-1)/2, and magnetic \nu-spin, m_\nu=L_e-L_v. Translationally invariant FQHE states are formed by filling p subshells with their respective CFs, in order of ascending L for fixed L_e and L_v, beginning with the lowest allowed value, L=|m_\nu|. We show that this wave function has an exactly equivalent hierarchical form. FQHE states can be grouped into \nu-spin multiplets mirror symmetric around m_\nu=0, with N held constant. Electron particle-hole conjugation with respect to this vacuum is identified as the mirror symmetry relating FQHE states of the same N but distinct fillings \nu = p/(2p+1} and p/( 2p-1). Alternatively, mirror symmetric \nu-spin multiplets can be constructed in which the magnetic field strength is held fixed: the valence states are electron particle-vortex hole excitations. Particle-hole symmetry -- relating the N-particle FQHE state of filling \nu=p/(2p+1} to the $\bar{N}$-particle state of filling {p+1)/(2p+1} -- is shown to be equivalent to electron-vortex exchange. In this construction $\bar{N}$-N CFs of the higher density state occupy an extra zero-mode subshell. We link this structure, familiar from supersymmetric quantum mechanics, to the CF Pauli Hamiltonian, which we show is isospectral, quadratic in the \nu-spin raising and lowering operators, and four-fold degenerate. On linearization, it takes a Dirac form similar to that found in the integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE).

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