
This paper describes the experience of a participatory process that has driven the development of rural communities facing water shortages, demonstrating that collaborative work is key to solve challenges and to achieve a sustainable development. In particular, the paper shows the Manglaralto’s participatory process methodology including social, economic, environmental and cultural sustainability areas, and the technical and social adaptations and interactions that have been implemented. The aim of this paper is to describe with facts and events the participatory process and its impact on water management in Manglaralto in order to contribute to the creation of a long-term integrity of natural resources and human well-being. This participatory process has been considered a global example because it was a joint effort between stakeholders, like Manglaralto communities, the Board of Water Regional Manglaralto, International Atomic Energy Agency and the Academic Community-Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral. The main results of the participatory process have been the water satisfaction for the growing demand, the integration of technical knowledge with ancestral knowledge such as the rescue of ancestral techniques like “tapes” (dykes), the work of the water board at the technical limits of aquifer capacity, avoiding its overexploitation; and the communities’ empowerment in water management.

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