
ABSTRACT Gender equality is among the sustainable development goals expected of higher education institutions (HEIs). This paper will explore the potential and implications of participatory design (PD) in the context of gender equality work in HEIs. We study the topic within a multinational, multidisciplinary consortium, which is working for gender equality in HEIs, using PD as a tool and inspiration. We identify a variety of local conditions shaping PD and gender equality work, divergent discourses on gender equality work, and several sources of friction regarding PD and gender equality work. We conceptualise PD for gender equality work as being highly contested and emergent, with multiple forces shaping its trajectory. PD needs to be sensitive towards local circumstances at the national and organisational level, both politically and ideologically. It needs to navigate within national and international politics and policies and consider different timescales beyond specific projects. It also needs to acknowledge that PD for gender equality entails design, discourse, and friction.

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