
The agriculture sector plays a significant role as the primary source of food and income for the farmers in Ethiopia. This study was conducted in three districts of the Akaki Kaliti sub-city of Addis Ababa city in the 2021/22 production year. Urban agriculture is the agricultural production in cities and the areas near cities for food and other purposes. In this demonstration activity, a total of 61 (47 male and 14 female) headed farmers benefited and a total of 14 hectares of bread wheat and 30 hectares of land were covered by teff. From the demonstrated technologies average grain yield of 56.66 qt/ha of bread wheat was produced and mean grain yield of 22.16 qt/ha was obtained from teff which is higher than the national average. Hence, to boost agricultural production the dissemination and adoption of improved crop varieties with full production packages requires the attention of stakeholders engaged in the agricultural sectors to use cluster farming to elevate poverty and ensure food security.

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