
The Participatory Action Research (PAR) model developed by Eilks and Ralle is very well known in science education. Over the years, many teaching and learning materials have been developed and implemented in German secondary schools using this method. The success of the model encouraged us to adapt it to the university level in order to develop university chemistry education courses. However, to do this, we encountered and conquered some challenges. The present paper is based on an advanced model of Participatory Action Research for developing university chemistry teacher training. For an advanced model, the focus is strongly on the extended development team, which contains people who were not part of the original team. The role of the students also changes. The ideas we used to further develop the model and implement it in practice will be described and discussed below.


  • Diagnostic competence is one of the primary competences that future teachers, in general, and future chemistry teachers, in particular, should possess

  • The development of one’s own teaching at the university level through the Participatory Action Research was seen to be significantly influenced by self-reflection upon the practical experiences of the participants in school and at university

  • The various members of the development team proved to be successful for the development of university courses

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Participatory Action Research in University Chemistry Teacher Training

The Participatory Action Research (PAR) model developed by Eilks and Ralle is very well known in science education. The success of the model encouraged us to adapt it to the university level in order to develop university chemistry education courses. The present paper is based on an advanced model of Participatory Action Research for developing university chemistry teacher training. Model participativnega akcijskega raziskovanja, ki sta ga razvila Eilks in Ralle, je zelo dobro poznan v naravoslovnem izobraževanju. Smo se spoprijeli z nekaterimi izzivi in jih tudi uspešno rešili. Ta prispevek temelji na naprednem modelu participativnega akcijskega raziskovanja, ki omogoča razvoj poučevanja učiteljev kemije. Ki smo jih uporabili za razvoj modela in njegovo implantacijo v praksi, so opisane in obravnavane v prispevku. Ključne besede: model, participativno akcijsko raziskovanje, univerzitetno izobraževanje učiteljev kemije c e p s Journal | Vol.8 | No4 | Year 2018 91

Participatory Action Research for Secondary schools by Eilks and Ralle
Challenges in the adaptation from the school level to higher education
Extended development team
The developed model of Participatory Action Research for higher education
An example of development in sensitising students to linguistic heterogeneity
Phases of Participatory Action Research
Discussion and Conclusion
Biographical note
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