
Water Users Associations (WUAs) have been introduced in Gash Delta Agricultural Scheme (GDAS) in 2004. The level of participation and performance of these associations have been influenced by many factors. The purpose of this paper is to measure the level of participation and to identify the factors influences the performance of WUAs in GDAS in eastern part of Sudan. Field visits, questionnaires, and focus group discussions were conducted during 2013/2014 crop season. The participation of farmers was classified to full, average, less and no participation. The results indicated that WUAs fully participate in water distribution and clearance of agricultural land. It is found that WUAs partially participate in provision of finance, seeds, attend flooding time and report water breakages. WUAs less participate in maintaining of bonds and not yet contribute in mapping of wetland. The results also indicated that WUAs have influenced by the lack of cooperation with other related institutions working in GDAS. The obtained results will contribute in improvement of participatory spate system management.

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