
Methods. In the course of study, a set of general scientific and specific methods was used: dialectical method of scientific knowledge – to determine migration processes in global systemic transformation processes; method of systems analysis – to determine the consequences of migration of Ukrainian citizens; the method of comparison and grouping – to assess the level of migration flows; graphical method – to visualize the volume of migration on a global and national scale. Results. Certain migration processes indicate that a significant outflow of migrants from Ukraine can lead to problems in Ukrainian society and economy. To overcome the negative impact on the country's economy, it is important to provide jobs and decent employment opportunities for those who remain in the country and those who still want to return home. During hostilities and postwar reconstruction, public policy measures in the field of conservation and use of human capital must be as effective as possible. Ensuring labor mobility remains important for attracting labor to the field of employment in wartime and the period of economic recovery, which determines the level of adaptability to changes in working conditions and helps to meet the needs of enterprises in the labor force. Novelty. The analysis of the current state of global migration flows was carried out, there was determined the participation of Ukraine in international migration flows, as well as the volume of migration of Ukrainians abroad due to military operations, and the consequences of the migration of Ukrainians. Practical value lies in the possibility of using the results of the study of migration processes and the consequences of these processes for Ukraine when formulating the main principles and directions of the updated employment policy of the post-war economy.

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