
The article examines the content and driving forces of the "Made in China — 2025" Plan adopted by the State Council of the People's Republic of China in 2015, also examines the key objectives of the Plan and the main factors influencing its implementation, reveals the spheres and stages of development of the technological base of Chinese industry. The current state of participation of Chinese military-industrial corporations in the "Made in China — 2025" Plan is outlined, examples of specific achievements of Chinese industrial and technological leaders in competition with developed countries in international markets are given. The article provides evidence that the civil-military integration conducted under the leadership of Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2010-2016 led to the acceleration of technological development of both the civil and defense industries of the PRC, and became an important impetus for the development of industrial production in China. The features of the the Plan in ten main areas are studied, such as robotics, aerospace and shipbuilding, information technology, rail transport, industries related to energy conservation, biotechnology, medicine, etc. We also offer an analytical study of the reasons for the results achieved by Chinese corporations in the modern period, as well as opportunities for further growth. In addition, the article discloses the issues of competition between Chinese manufacturers and American companies, the implementation of sanctions by Americans against Chinese corporations, as well as big differences in approaches to cooperation with China in Russia and the United States. The article estimates the prospects for China's global industrial and technological leadership and concludes that Chinese industrialists will highly likely fulfill the tasks of the "Made in China — 2025" Plan.

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