
Private-Public partnership (PPP) is a new paradigm in the development arena that involves collaborative working arrangements between the public, profit and non-profit private sectors in providing public services hitherto provided solely by the sector. This study carried out research on the impact of participation of Private-Public partnership (PPP) in housing provision in the core area of Akure with a view to suggesting effective measures to promote housing development and delivery in the study area. It examined the socio-economic characteristics of the residents, investigated the illegal dumpsites in the area, examined the system of waste disposal and management in the area, and identified the effect of illegal dumpsites on residents and the environment and possible measures to improve waste management in the area were suggested. Using simple random sampling techniques, Questionnaire was used to gather primary data from 181 respondents and an interview guild with the Director of works and housing in the Ministry of Works and Housing, Akure South Local Authority (Ondo State). Akure was interviewed on the operations of the public estate. It was gathered that the majority of the resident were female with at least a secondary school certification. The Public-Private housing schemes were not designed for the low-income class. Untarred roads, irregular electricity supply, and high cost of housing units amongst others were the challenges encountered by residents in the study areas. It was recommended that Community Based organization approach and Mortgage housing scheme should be introduced in the PPP housing schemes in the areas in order to achieve a maximum result in the housing provision business amongst others. Keywords: Participation, public, private, housing, provision.

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