
People with disabilities (PLWDs) are generally believed to be incapacitated in all spheres of life endeavours. This study assessed their participation in agricultural activities as well the determinants affecting their participation. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 268 respondents from persons who are: physically challenged (PC), with visually impairment (VI), speech impaired (SI) and lepers (L) from a list of registered members of the Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities list in Ogun State. Data collected through interview guide were analysed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square, Pearson's Product Moment Correlation and Binary Logistic Regression. Few (30.6%) of the respondents participated in agricultural activities. The agricultural activities mostly participated by PC were egg production (41.4%), cassava production (31.0%) and free range chicken production(27.6%). Also, persons with PVI engaged in free range chicken (44.0%), cassava (32.0%) and maize (28.0%) productions while lepers were engaged in millet (78.6%), cassava (46.4%) and free range chicken (35.7%) production. Few PC (6.9%) and PVI (16.0%) were engaged in broiler production, while 48.0% percent (PC), 32.0% (VI) and 10.7% (lepers) of the PWDs who participated in agricultural activities had access to extension agents. The binary logistic regression results showed that the determinantswhichsignificantly(p<0.01) influenced PWDs’ likelihood of participation in agricultural activities were access to agricultural training (β = 4.14), access to agricultural inputs (β=3.46), access to agricultural credit or loan (β =2.59),access to assistive technologies (β =3.28)and access to land (β=2.11). The constraints encountered by PWDs participating in agriculture were lack of funds (x̅ = 4.02), inaccessibility to land (x̅ = 3.72), inadequate infrastructure (x̅ = 3.16), inadequate assistive technology (x̅ = 3.05) and negative attitude of people towards PWDs (x̅ = 2.81) as well as negative attitude of people to PWDs (x̅ = 2.81). The study recommended that provision of lands, agricultural trainings, inclusive agricultural extension service delivery, assistive technology and change of negative mindset towards PWDs, may enhance their participation in agricultural activities.

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