
AbstractFree partially commutative inverse monoids are investigated. Analogously to free partially commutative monoids (trace monoids), free partially commutative inverse monoid are the quotients of free inverse monoids modulo a partially defined commutation relation on the generators. An O(n log(n)) algorithm on a RAM for the word problem is presented, and NP-completeness of the generalized word problem and the membership problem for rational sets is shown. Moreover, free partially commutative inverse monoids modulo a finite idempotent presentation are studied. For these monoids, the word problem is decidable if and only if the complement of the commutation relation is transitive.KeywordsWord ProblemInverse SemigroupCayley GraphDependence GraphDependence RelationThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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