
A novel type of regulatory proteins for the rho proteins ( rho A p21 and rho B p20), ras p21-like small GTP-binding proteins (G proteins), are partially purified from bovine brain cytosol. These regulatory proteins, named rho GDP dissociation stimulator (GDS)1 and −2, stimulate the dissociation of GDP from rho A p21 and rho B p20. rho GDS1 and −2 are inactive for other ras p21/ ras p21-like small G proteins including c-Ha- ras p21, smg p21B, and smg p25A. Since we have previously shown that the rate limiting step for the GDP GTP exchange reaction of the rho proteins is the dissociation of GDP from these proteins, the present results suggest that rho GDS1 and −2 stimulate the GDP GTP exchange reaction of the rho proteins. rho GDS1 and −2 are distinct from the GAP- and GDI-types of regulatory proteins for the rho proteins previously purified from bovine brain cytosol. rho GAP stimulates the GTPase activity of the rho proteins and rho GDI inhibits the GDP GTP exchange reaction of the rho proteins. The present results together with these earlier observations indicate that the rho proteins are regulated by at least three different types of regulatory proteins, GDS, GDI, and GAP.

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