
Three days before that last moult, the larva is 1.30 inches; after the last moult and three days before pupating, 2 inches. Nearly cylindrical, tapering from the middle to both ends, the under side a little flattened, a slight fold above the legs but no fringe on the sides. The markings in the two last stages are the same, except that the orange is a little heavier in the last stage. The ground colour of dorsum, sides except below stigmata, and venter sordid white, below stigmata clear white; striped transversely over the back as low as the stigmata, thus leaving a clear white substigmatal stripe, eight of these stripes and these somewhat double, some broken and others partly continuous; a subdorsal and substigmatal row of orange patches, two of each row on each joint, the lower of each side of the stigma on the anterior part of the body, but on the posterior part these patches connect above the stigma, gradually passing from one from to the other; on joint two, instead of two pathces, the anterior half of the joint is orange with a row of black spots; joints three and four with an irregular row of orange across near the middle of the joint.

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